The Finnish multimedia company Lingonet partnered with the Finnish Association of CLIL and Immersion Education and the National Centre for Professional Development in Education to put on a competition for Finnish CLIL classes whose students produced Lingowalks as part of their school work. You can check out the four winning entries from the following links - each one features a mid-sized town in Finland.

Vaasa - Grade 7 Swedish class /vasawalk
Imatra - Grade 9 Russian class /imatrawalk
Turku - Grade 6 German class /puolalawalk
Kuopio - Grade 5 English class /kuopiowalk

Watch these Lingowalks to get ideas about creating your own language material or use them in your classroom instruction.

The winning students completed all the steps in the creation of these Lingowalks:

  • They took pictures of the routes using a digital camera.
  • They chose the pictures for the final version.
  • They wrote the script (their teachers helped them and corrected any errors).
  • They recorded the scripts either with the help of the IT department or a Lingonet staff member (before recording, they practiced their pronunciation with a language teacher).
  • They combined the pictures, sound and text using Lingonet Editor and made a Lingowalk in one day.

Lingonet staff were very pleased when the Grade 5 Kuopio class learned to use Lingonet Editor and make their own Lingowalk after practicing with it for just one hour.